

CLL Remission on December 5, 2022. He has been continuing to take Ivermectin every other day. He is now WBC 7000. His numbers continue to decrease. Dad always has taken lots of vitamins n does an anti inflammatory diet of no sugars or gluten. He is Ridiculously Healthy!Dad is a Rock Star



Why check liver enzymes? WHY go on a Protocol? What is EXPECTED to happen? Where does the debris go for excretion? Why would you want to pay attention? Pay attention to what?

The GOAL is to eradicate parasites from a body in a dose that would ERADICATE them, not scatter them.

Safety argument:

Dosage argument:
The 30-50mg/kg is based on primate dosage of extremely safe Fenbendazole out of the manufacturer Merck manual.



I’m 55 and now in a much better place. ‘Arthritis’ in my hips and shoulders is non-existent. Been playing basement hockey with my grandson. Yes, the basement stairs are a breeze. Sinuses are always clear. So much more really. I can’t thank you all enough. Each and every one of you will always have a special place in my heart and a seat at my table. Love you #wormhole



I found this because I came on TS and started following people I knew from Twit before I was banned. It was probably @ssg_q and @InevitableET At the same time my cat got what my neighbors are calling “super fleas”. I was already well into improving my health and had just made a temp move with the feral cat who was already sick. I was already taking ivm. I read everything. I read every protocol out there and concluded the safest most effective well researched protocol came from @FloridaSharkman.



It took me a while to get my stash together. But I’m now at the end of AABB. My cat is a totally different animal and I have had remarkable health improvement. I already thought I was healthy!! My test results already were amazing!! And this has kicked it up a few notches. I didn’t know I had worms too. Friends, neighbors and relatives are now on the protocol. Changing so many lives! God bless you worm warriors!



Loved President Trump so jumped on Truth as soon as I could and caught @ssg_q and @InevitableET on that show. Then found @FloridaSharkman . Read articles for months, then one of them stated an obvious sign to me that I had parasites. Jumped in after got all meds ordered. Been doing since August.

Diatomaceous Earth Medicines Protocol Info Psyllium Husk

How to take DE, PF and Mesosilver

I mixed the PF with the DE in about 1 cup of water; mix it quickly and drink it fast. Easy to get down that way. I follow that w/about 8 oz or more of water. I do that about 2-3 hours after dinner. Follow that with big spoon of coconut oil, allowing it to melt before swallowing.

The AGNP (Mesosilver) after brushing teeth right before bed. Swish it around for the dental benefit (h/t TQ).

This works for me

Diatomaceous Earth Protocol Info Psyllium Husk

How to take DE, PF and Mino

What I do:
DE – stir in small glass of water and chug
PF – mix well with 1.25 cups apple or Cherry juice
MinO – drink straight, then a chaser



I have tried multiple times to take myself off of Savella for Fibromyalgia without success. I do physical therapy almost daily and see a chiropractor monthly. I started Sharkman’s protocol schedule A in November and was finally able to stop Savella. I am now finishing the second month of schedule B and plan to go straight into the anti-viral 2 month protocol after that. I have recently been able to cut way back on Meloxicam and am still feeling better at 50 than I ever did in my mid-20’s. 2 of 2



Love the new logo!!!
I stumbled onto the info by fumbling around TS and was stunned at the possibility of healing after treating for parasites. I was collecting more Dr’s in my contacts than friends, it was either give up time or jump into something that actually made sense. I bought everything to start in Oct and after only 2 weeks into it, my husband, noticing changes in me he hadn’t seen for sooo long, joined in. The improvements are undeniable. Treating the causes allows the body to heal.